Dry Eyes

Dry eyes is becoming a very common syndrome, that affects your visual comfort and clarity.  It can be divided into 2 categories: when your eyes do not produce enough tears, or when the quality of tears is insufficient and evaporate too quickly. This tear instability leads to inflammation on the eye’s surface as well as the eyelids.

There are various treatment regimes, that includes lifestyle changes and eyedrops. Various eyedrops are available to support either the water part or the oil part of the tear layer.  This reduces dry eye related symptoms like scratchy, itchy eyes, discomfort with contact lenses and intermittent blurry vision.

Why is it such a problem now?  Prolonged hours of screen time has been proven to reduce your blink rate by up to 60%: reduced blinking equals reduced tear production.

Luckily, a very effective dry eye treatment is now available!  It addresses both the inflammation caused by dry eyes and also stimulate the oil glands to start producing better quality tears:

Lidspray to reduce inflammation: spray on closed lids 2x per day. Leave for 30 seconds and wipe.
SM Derma Serum:  applied to bottom and top eyelid 2x per day

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